Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects.
yups... i agree with the statement said alexis.. we always tot that things in life are ol the same.. but actly not.. evrytng we do,will get a differents aspectation from different people.. especially ble kte di kelilingi ramai owg wif different behavior, things goes much harder..rite?? yela.. kter seboleh nyer akn cbe nk bg satisfaction kt sumer owg.. kiter anggap sumer owg same.. but actly not at ol!! its happens 2 me today.. there's sum people yg mntak i wat bnde yg i taknak.. but then, b'coz of nk jge ati.. n tak nak sumting bad happens.i just agree wit it.. owh.. its so horrible oky... nape la i baek sgt.huhu.. tp i tak reti nak tolak..hmmm help me please..... a conclusion..,life is not ol the same things happens.different things come in different time..hahhah..
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