on 24 jan 2010...., me n frens are officially annouce as a
marsyal and crew of AO Paintball Park. huhu. sgt teruja.!! hahah. emm best sangat.. others, it just not a leisure.. but also a
new knowledge for us.. my vision there is learning 2 becomes a marsyal n give
full commitment for it. so, we have 2 attend some of bengkel n of cos trainng lar kn...
for 1st round of battle, i'm trying 2 save our group fortress.. but tak smpai abes game pon ag

pallet da abes... hmmm i take some lesson here n the next game i perform much better.. but then, i've been
shot by herlisman... owh, sakit oky?? emm ia meninggalkan kesan yg sgt ketara di lengan... uhuuhhu. bak kater otai, abes lar..
kurang mas kawin tngal 1500...hahhaha. then, ktowg di beri peluang lagi untuk menjiwai battle field tu.. n ktowg men sampy 6 round.. which is almost 1 kotak pellets(2000 bji) 2 ktowg gne.
feels very lucky cuz evrythings are fully supported by
abg azri n abg fauzie..thanx 2 both of them plus
abg zul yg bg ktowg makan n peluang men paintball game... tanx 2 papa (
En. Yusop Ahmad) jugak, the 1 yg offer kami untuk grab experience baru ny...
tanx 2 ol!!!!!
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