December 31, 2009

ClaSs of 2009/2010!!!

P.E is the best word ever in my whole life first, there was like a butterfly in my stomach when i want to enter into a new lyfe here... but then, when its come a fren that have a word BEST.. ol things here are fun n intrestg...

each of us are lyke family members.. we share evrythings together, laugh 2gether n cry 2gether.. the 1st sem is time for us 2 know each other well.. especially in outdoor edu. which there is not just our program but including sport science n coaching was a very sweet memory among us n a good xpiriences.thanx 2 ol facilitator..luv u.

to udin, apiz, nekman, kak ayu n paie.. i luv u ol more.. thanx 4 ol the support, 4 ol the sweet memory we ol 2gether n 4 a great lyfe here.. i'm nobody without ol of u...

to be a good teacher is not easy as ABC..
we have to collect ol the knowledge as many as we can...

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